March 21, 2024

What is AI Marketing? Revolutionize your marketing strategy

What is AI Marketing? Revolutionize your marketing strategy
Stepping into the marketing anno 2024 feels a bit like walking into a sci-fi novel, where artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a buzzword but the real MVP changing the game. And if you’re calling AI marketing a "trend", know it’s like saying smartphones were just a phase. Nope, it’s way more than that. We’re talking about a game-changer that combines machine learning and data analytics to craft personalized customer journeys. Dive into the world of AI marketing with us as we explore not just the what and how. We also share real-life examples from our own experience with clients and how you can implement them in your own marketing processes.

What’s AI marketing?

AI marketing is the bridge between data and personalized customer experiences. It's a smart approach in which artificial intelligence technologies analyze data to discover patterns, predict outcomes, and make marketing efforts more efficient and impactful.

By leveraging AI, you can automate decision-making processes, tailor content to individual preferences, and ultimately foster deeper connections with your audience. AI enables you to enrich your marketing strategies with insights that are humanly impossible to achieve at scale on short notice.

Simple yet powerful, AI in marketing acts as a catalyst to enhance your storytelling and marketing efforts fueled by your expertise.

How does AI Marketing work?

AI marketing operates on a foundation of core technologies such as machine learning and data analysis. These technologies enable the system to learn from data, identify patterns, and make predictions, allowing for more personalized and effective marketing strategies.

Understanding Through Core Technologies

At the core of AI marketing lie powerful technologies like machine learning and data analysis. These aren't just buzzwords. These technologies represent the engine room of AI marketing.

Machine learning allows computers to learn from and interpret data without direct human intervention, adapting to new findings. Meanwhile, data analysis involves dissecting and making sense of vast datasets to uncover patterns and insights.

Together, these technologies form the backbone of AI marketing, enabling it to predict customer behaviour, automate personalized content delivery, and optimize marketing strategies in real-time.

Prototyping to make it tangible

Prototyping allows abstract ideas to transform into tangible, testable concepts. AI-driven tools enable marketers and entrepreneurs to quickly create prototypes, such as landing pages, without needing deep technical knowledge.

This rapid prototyping makes it easier to visualize and refine ideas and allows for effective testing among target audiences through methods like smoke testing. It encourages stepping out of comfort zones, demonstrating that tasks once deemed complex, like creating a landing page, can now be achieved swiftly with the right tools.

This shift lowers barriers to innovation, empowering marketers to experiment, learn, and optimize with unprecedented agility.

Practical Applications

In practical terms, AI marketing translates into applications that touch every aspect of the customer journey. From personalized product recommendations that seem to read the consumer's mind to chatbots offering instant, tailored customer service,

AI is reshaping the interaction between your brand and audiences. It's in the automated email campaigns that land in your inbox at just the right time, in the content that resonates with your current needs, and in the ads that catch your eye because they're just what you were looking for.

These applications showcase AI marketing's ability not just to predict but also to profoundly understand customer needs, creating a marketing landscape that's more responsive, personal, and effective.

Benefits of AI in marketing

Adopting AI in marketing brings tangible benefits across various facets of a business's marketing strategy. For example, AI-driven personalization allows companies to tailor their messaging and content to the individual level, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. Imagine a retail brand using AI to analyze browsing history, purchase patterns, and even social media interactions to offer personalized product recommendations.

Furthermore, AI can significantly optimize marketing campaigns through predictive analytics, ensuring that resources are allocated to the most effective channels and tactics. A digital marketing firm might leverage AI to analyze the performance of different ad variations, automatically reallocating budget to the highest-performing ads without human intervention.

Another benefit of AI is the automation of routine tasks, which frees up valuable time for creative and strategic endeavours. For example, an AI-powered CRM system could automatically send personalized follow-up emails to leads based on their interactions with the website.

Each of these examples showcases how integrating AI into marketing streamlines operations and creates more meaningful connections with customers, driving efficiency and growth.

Let's list the benefits of AI in marketing:

  • Enhanced personalization: AI analyzes customer data to deliver personalized content, offers, and recommendations, significantly improving user engagement and loyalty.
  • Campaign optimization: By predicting campaign outcomes, AI helps reallocate resources to high-performing strategies, maximizing ROI.
  • Improved customer insights: AI tools delve deep into customer behaviour and preferences, offering granular insights that inform strategic decisions.
  • Automation of routine tasks: From email marketing to customer inquiries, AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up teams to focus on creative and strategic endeavours.
  • Scalability: AI systems can handle vast amounts of data and interactions, scaling as your business grows without compromising on customer experience.

These benefits are rooted in AI’s ability to process and learn from data at a scale and speed unattainable by humans alone, offering businesses the tools to be more adaptive, efficient, and customer-centric.

Examples of AI in marketing

AI marketing’s applications span various functions, illustrating its versatility and transformative power across industries.

With Brandsome AI, we've launched an AI accelerator in the market, where we provide AI consultancy services. We address research questions and conduct research using AI, build prototypes, and validate insights by recreating personas.

Furthermore, we've been analyzing and implementing AI tools to optimize our marketing processes for over a year. This means we have numerous examples of how AI can be applied in marketing.

To demonstrate where we excel and where our expertise lies, we'd like to provide a glimpse into the following examples.

Prototyping by combining Midjourney and ChatGPT

With this example, we immediately touch upon an important element to getting the most out of AI tools: combining them with others. By combining Midjourney with ChatGPT, we're able to create powerful prompts and visuals.

For example, we organize AI huddles every week. In this concept, someone from the team takes the lead each week to solve a specific challenge or question with artificial intelligence. Sometimes, it's a bit more playful than usual.

In response to Dune 2 and the fact that Max Smeets, founder of Brandsome (AI), was compared to Timothée Chalamet by a grandma at the cinema, we decided to incorporate ourselves into Dune 2 as characters from the film using Midjourney. The results are fantastic.

This once again demonstrates how AI in marketing helps to make abstract concepts concrete and tangible.

AI SEO: writing optimized blogs

Writing blogs can be a time-consuming task, especially when combined with keyword research, conducting research, implementing your own expertise, and then fully drafting the content. This is a challenge for many marketers and entrepreneurs. And that's okay; writing is something that inherently requires time and insight.

That's why we've implemented AI SEO into our AI marketing processes. This allows us to efficiently write an SEO-optimized blog that ranks at the top of Google for our clients. In fact, often within 24 hours.

Naturally, you might wonder if the content will still be strong enough. Yes, absolutely! Artificial intelligence takes over tasks that require the most time to perform, such as conducting keyword research, analyzing other blogs, and fully drafting the article.

There are debates about whether AI generated content negatively affects your SEO. It does, but not if you do it right. The sweet spot lies in finding the perfect combination between humans and AI to take expertise and efficiency to the next level. Synthetic marketing as we also call it

AI podcast through voice cloning

In addition to all AI applications in marketing, it's also quite enjoyable to occasionally experiment with these tools. An example of this is cloning our voices with AI to create a podcast. This means that with minimal effort, we've created an additional distribution channel.

In our articlethought leadership in demand generation’, we've added an AI podcast by cloning our voices. Additionally, we've made a post on LinkedIn highlighting a part of the podcast to showcase the power of cloning your voice using AI.

The impact of cloning your own voice becomes apparent when compared to a recording of your real voice. Andy, the content lead on the team, naturally has a deep voice that's quite monotone. When you put that next to the AI voice, you really notice how similar they sound.

Is AI Marketing right for your business?

100%! There’s no doubt about that. The question lies more in how you will implement AI in your marketing rather than whether you should do it.

If you're not leveraging AI as a company, marketer, or entrepreneur in today's world, you're lagging behind. The misconception surrounding AI, often suggesting it yields poor output or can never replace someone's expertise, is incorrect and beside the point.

On one hand, artificial intelligence's output heavily relies on your input. On the other hand, AI is not meant to replace expertise but rather to enhance it.

To what extent you will implement AI depends heavily on your budget, as AI solutions can vary widely in cost. Also, consider the availability and quality of your data, since AI's effectiveness hinges on this.

Additionally, evaluate your team's technical expertise or your ability to access it, as implementing and managing AI tools requires specific skills. To assess compatibility, analyze your marketing challenges and objectives to see if AI can offer solutions that align with your strategic direction, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.

Future of AI marketing

The future of AI marketing promises significant advancements, with technologies evolving to offer deeper customer insights and hyper-personalization. We anticipate AI's role in marketing to expand, automating even more complex tasks and fostering creative generation like never before. Emerging applications, such as more sophisticated chatbots and voice search optimization, will further personalize the consumer experience.

In this section, we would like to refer to a study conducted by the Danish Implement Consulting Group on Google's request. Their research states that if Belgium continues to be a leader in the application of AI, it could add 9%, equivalent to 40 to 50 billion euros, to our gross domestic product in 10 years.

However, Danish economist Martin Thelle, partner at Implement Consulting Group, contextualizes the results of the study as follows: "It remains a bit of a crystal ball gazing,"

Thelle humbly acknowledges. "We don't have a crystal ball; we don't know today what new jobs the technology can create in the future. But our study clearly indicates the direction it's heading, based on extensive datasets for Belgium and a methodology previously used by the investment bank Goldman Sachs."

Yet, this future also brings challenges, including ethical considerations like data privacy and job displacement concerns. Despite these hurdles, the outlook remains positive, emphasizing AI's potential to revolutionize marketing by making it more personal, efficient, and impactful.


AI marketing symbolizes the shift in how businesses operate

AI marketing represents a significant shift in how businesses interact with their customers, offering a path to more personalized, efficient, and impactful marketing strategies. Its ability to analyze data and automate decisions can transform the marketing landscape, making it an indispensable tool for brands looking to thrive in the digital age.

If you’re ready to embrace AI in your marketing to unlock new levels of growth and innovation for your business, contact us.

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